Nurlan Utebovich Balgimbayev, born on November 20, 1947 and passed away October 2015.
Nurlan served as the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan from 10 October 1997 to 1 October 1999.
He has been the President of the Kazakhstan Oil Investment Company since February 2002.
Prior to serving as Prime Minister, Nurlan served as Minister of Oil and Gas, and later as President of KazakhOil.
After Nurlan tenure as Prime Minister he continued his career as President at state-owned KazakhOil.
Lyazzat Kiyinov replaced him after the merger between KazakhOil and Transport Nefti i Gaza companies into the new KazMunayGas.
In 14 October 2015, Nurlan Balgimbayev died in Atyrau at the age of 67, from cancer.