The Basenji is a breed of hunting dog. It was bred from stock that originated in central Africa. Most of the major kennel clubs in the English-speaking world place the breed in the Hound Group-more specifically, in the sighthoundtype.Basenjis share many unique traits with pariah dog types. Basenjis, like dingoes, New Guinea singing dogs and ..
Category : Animals
The barbet is a breed of dog; it is a medium-sized French water dog. It is listed in Group 8 (retrievers, flushing dogs, water dogs) by the SociétéCentrale Canine, the French Kennel Club. The barbet is a rare breed, Most barbets, especially those shown in conformation shows, are entirely black, black and white, or brown. ..
Azawakh is a sighthounddog breed from Africa.In Africa, Azawakh are found in a variety of colors such as red, blue fawn (that is, with a lilac cast), grizzle, and, rarely, blue and black. The Azawakh in its native land also comes with various white markings including Irish marked (white collar) and particolour (mostly white). Because ..
The Australian Terrier is a small breed of dog of the terrierdog type.The Australian Terrier was developed in Australia, as his name implies. Bred to hunt and exterminate rodents and snakes, Australian Terriers were also prized as watchdogs and companions. The Australian Terrier, called an “Aussie” by his admirers (although he’s not to be confused ..
A Bichon Frise, is a small breed of dog of the Bichontype.The Bichon Frise descended from the Barbet or Water Spaniel and the Standard Poodle. The word bichon comes from Middle Frenchbichon (“small long-haired dog”), a diminutive of Old Frenchbiche (“bitch, female dog”), from Old Englishbicce (“bitch, female dog”), related to Old Norsebikkja (“female dog”) ..
The Basset Hound is a short-legged breed of dog of the hound family, as well as one of six recognized Basset breeds in France. The Basset is a scent hound that was originally bred for the purpose of hunting hare. Their sense of smell for tracking is second only to that of the Bloodhound. This ..
The Australian Shepherd is a medium-sized breed of dog that was developed on the ranches in the Western United States. Despite its name, the breed was not developed in Australia, but rather in the United States, where they were seen in the West as early as the 1800s. They have a similar look to the ..
Australian Cattle Dog (ACD), or simply Cattle Dog, is a breed of herding dog originally developed in Australia for droving cattle over long distances across rough terrain. The Australian Cattle Dog is a medium-sized, short-coated dog that occurs in two main color forms.Australian Cattle Dog is energetic and intelligent with an independent streak. It responds ..
Anatolian Shepherd Dogis a breed of dog which originated in the Anatolia region of central Turkey. It is rugged, large and very strong, with good sight and hearing that allow it to protect livestock. The Karabaş (Blackhead) is descended from ancient livestock guardian dogtypes that migrated with the transhumance, guarding flocks of sheep from wolves, ..
The American Water Spanielis a breed of spaniel which is one of a small number of breeds originating in the United States. Developed in the state of Wisconsin during the 19th century from a number of other breeds, including the Irish and English Water Spaniels. The breed originated in the areas along the Fox River ..