Gianluca Buonanno, Italian politician, Died at 50


Gianluca Buonanno was born on May 15, 1966, and died on June 5, 2016.
He was an Italian politician born in Borgosesia.
Gianluca Buonanno was affiliated with the Italian Social Movement from 1982 to 1995, when he switched to the National Alliance.
In 2002, he left the National Alliance for Lega Nord in 2002.
Gianluca Buonanno was elected to the XVI and XVII Parliaments and to the European Parliament in 2014.
Whilst he was an MEP, Buonanno was an unaffiliated Non-Inscrit before joining Europe of Nations and Freedom, and was backed by the European Alliance for Freedom and Movement for a Europe of Nations and Freedom.
He died in a car accident near Varese.
Gianluca Buonanno passed away at 50 yrs old.