Dušan Velkaverh was born on September 12, 1943, and died on February 1, 2016.
He was a Slovenian lyricist of Slovene and English descent.
Dusan was view as a legend of the Slovenian song festival history since about thirty of his 600 lyrics became major hits in Slovenia.
During 2011, a concert was held in Križanke Summer Theatre, Ljubljana, with him as an honorary guest, where his greatest hits were interpreted by the Slovenian National TV’s Symphony Orchestra and RTV Slovenia Big Band with many singers who sung them originally, as well as younger ones.
Velkaverh has been awarded a major the Slovenian National TV award for his work at the same event.
Dušan Velkaverh was a longtime chief of music production at the Radio-Television of Slovenia, that is for the RTV Slovenia Big Band and RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra.
Dusan has writen lyrics for Dan ljubezni, a Yugoslavian song performed at the Eurovision Song Contest 1975 by Slovenian vocal band Pepel in kri (“Ashes and Blood”). In the early 1990s, he was the executive director of Slovenian music label Corona.
Dušan Velkaverh passed away a 72 yrs old.