Yves Bonnefoy, French poet, Died at 93


Yves Jean Bonnefoy was born on June 24, 1923, and died on July 1, 2016.

He was a French poet and essayist.

He took part in both poetic and theoretical work, explore the meaning of the spoken and written word.

Yves Bonnefoy also published a number of translations into French, most notably of William Shakespeare.

He served as a respected critic, Yves was a professor at the Collège de France from 1981 to 1993 and is the author of several works on art, art history, and artists including Miró and Giacometti.

Said to be ″perhaps the most important French poet of the latter half of the 20th century″ by the Encyclopædia Britannica.

Yves Bonnefoy was honoured with a number of prizes throughout his creative life, most notably the Prix des Critiques in 1971, the Balzan Prize (for Art History and Art Criticism in Europe), the Prix mondial Cino Del Duca in 1995, the Golden Wreath of Struga Poetry Evenings in 1999, Grand Prize of the First Masaoka Shiki International Haiku Awards in 2000 and Franz Kafka Prize in 2007.

Yves Bonnefoy passed away at 93 years old.