Borislav Pelević was born on November 22, 1956, and died on October 25, 2018.
He was a Serbian politician.
He was the leader of the Patriot Party of Serbian Unity (SSJ), a gathering with minimal significance in Serbian governmental issues, until the point that it converged with the Serbian Radical Party in December 2007.
Pelević battled with Arkan’s Tigers amid the war in the Republic of Serbian Krajina, serving at the Erdut preparing camp.
Pelević was additionally a presidential competitor in the Serbian presidential race, 2004.
Pelević was chosen to the Serbian parliament on the Serbian Radical Party list twice, in 2007 and 2008.
After the gathering’s delegate pioneer, Tomislav Nikolić (who was likewise going about as parliamentary pioneer because of the nonattendance of gathering pioneer Vojislav Šešelj), surrendered from the SRS and shaped the new “Napred Srbijo!” parliamentary gathering, Pelević left the SRS and joined Nikolić’s gathering.
Borislav Pelević passed away at 61 years old.