Maria Alfredovna Glazovskaya was born on January 26, 1912, in St. Petersburg and died on November 20, 2016.
She was a soil scientist and agro-chemist.
She served as a honorary Professor of Moscow State University, an honorary member of the Russian Geographical Society and the Dokuchaev Society of Soil Science, Professor Emeritus of the University of Warsaw and an honorary doctor of the University of Sofia.
Professor Maria was vice president of the All-Union Society of Soil Scientists, a correspondent member of the International Commission for the use of land and a member of the Advisory Committee of the FAO-UNESCO.
During 1929, Maria graduated from high school in Kolpino at Leningrad and entered the Leningrad Agricultural Institute, where a year later moved into the geological and soil-geographical faculty of Leningrad State University.
Glazovskaya graduated from the University in 1934, specialty Soil science and was left in graduate Geographic and Economic Research Institute.
Maria Glazovskaya pssed away at 104 years old.