Laurent Pardo died in 2016.
He was a French bass guitarist, violoncellist, and background singer.
Pardo was best known for playing in the rock band of US-singer Elliott Murphy.
When he had learn the trade and refining his technique with regional bands, Pardo joined the Paris-based US-American singer-songwriter Elliott Murphy in late 2005.
When was a bass player of Murphy’s backing group The Normandy All Stars (the other two members being guitarist Olivier Durand and Alan Fatras on drums) he has toured large parts of Europe and, repeatedly since 2009, the east coast of the United States.
Laurent featured on four of Murphy’s studio albums and can be heard and seen on the CD/DVD-set Alive In Paris.
Sometimes, Pardo reunites with former Mister Moonlight members and affiliates for concerts and recordings.
Laurent Pardo passed away at 55 years old.