John Gagnon, American sociologist, Died at 84


John H. Gagnon was born in 1931 and died in 2016.

He was a pioneering sociologist of human sexualities.

John was an undergraduate and graduate student at the University of Chicago in the 1950s gaining his BA in 1955 and in 1969, his Ph.D.

He has written and edited some 15 books and over 100 articles.

Gagnon’s key work was Sexual Conduct: The Social Sources of Human Sexuality, in 1973, which he co-authored with William Simon.

John Gagnon was a recognize Emeritus Professor of Sociology at the State University of New York at Stony Brook where he taught and researched from 1968 to 1998.

John Gagnon was an NIMH Post-Doctoral Fellow in 1972-3.

In 1981, he was made a fellow of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sex and subsequently received the SSSS lifetime achievement award for research into sexuality and was President of the International Academy of Sex Research 1987-8.

John Gagnon was elected a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Mr.Gagnon was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Letters in 2006 from the Glasgow Caledonian University.

John Gagnon has been on the board of many professional and scientific committees connected with the study of human sexual conduct including the Presidents Commission on Pornography.

John Gagnon passed away at 84 yrs old.