Ionel Talpazan, artist, died at 60

  Dead Famous

Ionel Talpazan, born on August 16, 1955, in the commune of Petrachioaia, Romania. After being given up by his parents, he was raised by foster parents in Maineasca, died on September 21, 2015.

Ionel claimed that one night in the Romanian countryside, when he was 8, a strange, hovering shape slowly descended from the sky, enveloping him in a celestial blue light, and then disappeared.

The experience haunted him and became the source of his art.

His paintings, drawings and sculptures dealt, obsessively, with U.F.O.s and their inner workings, often shown in cross section and heavily annotated in Romanian.

Ionel insisted that his work had value not only for art lovers but also for NASA scientists, since it articulated the magnetic forces and antimatter at work in the propulsion systems of his spaceships.

“My art is about the big mystery in life,” he told the journal Western Folklore in 2008.

“How did we get here on planet Earth? Why are we here? Is there life on other planets?”

His close encounter with a U.F.O. occurred when, fearing a beating for misbehavior, he slipped out of his bedroom window in the middle of the night and walked out into the surrounding countryside, where he stood transfixed by what he called “a blue energy” radiating from a mysterious source overhead.

The incident left him confused, but also deeply interested in the idea of space travel, and he set about rendering his interplanetary visions, especially U.F.O.s, on paper.

“I felt that by drawing them, I might penetrate their mystery,” he told The Independent of London in 1996.

Ionel Talpazan pass away on September 21, 2015 at age 60.


Ionel Talpazan from Wanda Kossak on Vimeo.