Horacio Etchegoyen, Argentine psychoanalyst, Died at 97


Ricardo Horacio Etchegoyen was born on January 13, 1919, and died on July 2, 2016.

He was an Argentine psychoanalyst.

Horacio was elected President of the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA) in 1991.

Horacio father, a physician, died when Etchegoyen was five months old.

Etchegoyen studied at the Colegio Nacional de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, a college preparatory school, and enrolled at the University of La Plata, earning a degree in medicine in 1948.

During his university studies in the 1940s, Horacio agitated for the university reform movement, which sought to strengthen secular education in Argentina.

Etchegoyen was analyzed by Heinrich Racker, and began his psychoanalytic training in Argentina with Enrique Pichon Rivière, Marie Langer, León Grinberg, and José Bleger.

His influences were the works of psychoanalyst Melanie Klein.

Etchegoyen practiced privately in La Plata, and taught at the National University of Cuyo from 1957 to 1965.

He headed the Psychiatry Department at the university, and earned recognition from the World Health Organization during his tenure.

Etchegoyen relocated to London in 1966, where he worked in the Adult Department of the famed Tavistock Clinic, where he received analysis from Donald Meltzer.

Etchegoyen returned to Argentina within a year, and joined the Argentine Psychiatric Association, where from 1970, he provided advanced training to doctoral candidates in the field.

He was the first Latin American doctor to have the honor of being elected President of the IPA, and continued to practice and attend international conferences until 2008.

Horacio Etchegoyen passed away at 97 years old.