Ermanno Rea, Italian novelist, Died at 89


Ermanno Rea was born on July 28, 1927, in Naples and died on September 13, 2016.

He was an Italian novelist, essayist, and journalist.

At World War II, Rea was a partisan of the Garibaldi Brigade “Gino Menconi”.

When the war was over, Rea started working as a journalist for a number of publications including L’Unità, Panorama, Il Giorno, and Tempo Illustrato.

During 1996, Rea won the Viareggio Prize with the autobiographical novel Mistero napoletano; in 1999, he won the Campiello Prize with the novel Fuochi fiammanti a un’hora di notte.

During 2008, he was a finalist of the Strega Prize with the novel Napoli ferrovia.

Rea’s 2002 novel La dismissione was adapted into a film, The Missing Star, directed by Gianni Amelio.

Ermanno Rea passed away at 89 years old.