Eric Defoort was born on June 27, 1943, in Ypres and died in December 2016.
He was a Flemish Belgian politician and president of the European Free Alliance.
Between 2007 and 2009, he was the president of the Flemish Popular Movement (Vlaamse Volksbeweging – VVB), a non-party linked movement advocating Flemish autonomy.
During 1982, Eric Defoort became the chief librarian and a professor of history at the Catholic University of Brussels.
At the EFA-General Assembly in Venice, March 2010, Eric Defoort was elected the new President of the European Free Alliance.
He was also a historian, he studied in depth the history of nationalism and published on topics like identity.
Prof. Dr. Eric Defoort was a member of the Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie (N-VA), a party that became a full member of EFA in 2010.
Together they supported his candidacy.
Whilst he was a president, he saw to the organisation and strategy of the European Free Alliance.
Eric Defoort passed away at 73 years old.