Edward Lloyd “Ed” Salmon, Junior was born on January 30, 1934, in Natchez, Mississippi, and died on June 29, 2016.
He was a bishop in The Episcopal Church.
He served as the dean of Nashotah House Theological Seminary in Wisconsin.
Edward received his bachelor’s degree from the University of the South and a bachelor’s degree in theology from Virginia Theological Seminary.
Salmon Jr. was ordained in 1961 as a priest for the Diocese of Arkansas in The Episcopal Church.
Edward L. Salmon, Jr. served as bishop of the Diocese of South Carolina (1990 to 2008).
Salmon, Jr. was a noted conservative who remained in the Episcopal Church, unlike his former diocese.
Salmon, Jr. was a member of Communion Partners, an Episcopalian group which opposed the 77th General Episcopal Convention’s decision to authorize the blessing of same-sex marriages in 2012.
Edward L. Salmon, Jr. passed away at 82 yrs old.