Bruce Wilson, political activist, Died at 72


Bruce H. Wilson was born on March 18, 1943, and died on December 15, 2015.
He was a booster, fundraiser and activist with the Boone County Democratic Party in Boone County, Missouri.
Bruce lived in Columbia with his wife, Nancy Wilson.
Bruce was born in New Bloomfield, Missouri in 1943.
He was alternately referred to in the local media as a “longtime Democratic activist”, a “local Democratic booster,” a “behind-the-scenes Democratic booster,” and a “major Democratic benefactor.” The Columbia Tribune quoted former Democratic Central Committee chair Charles Christy as saying, “He raises more money for Democrats than anyone.”
Bruce was active in the Boone County Democratic Party for much of his life.
He represented Missouri’s Ninth Congressional District as a delegate for Hillary Clinton at the 2008 Missouri Democratic Convention, hosted a steak dinner that raised $14,000 for Dwayne Carey’s campaign for Boone County Sheriff, managed Donna Crockett’s 1995 campaign to represent the Third Ward on Columbia city council, and served as campaign coordinator for Bernie Lensmeyer’s 1996 campaign to represent the Fifth Ward on the same council.
Former Boone County prosecutor Kevin Crane referred to Wilson as “the secret weapon” of his successful 1994 campaign for the office.
More recently, Bruce advised Stephen Webber’s successful 2008 campaign for the Missouri House of Representatives in the 23rd District.
Bruce Wilson passed away on December 15, 2015, at the age of 72.
He is not related to former Missouri Governor Roger B. Wilson.