Annie Pootoogook, Canadian Inuit artist, Died at 46


Annie Pootoogook was born on May 11, 1969, and died on September 19, 2016.

She was a contemporary Canadian Inuit artist.

She was known for ink and crayon drawings of her life and community.

She started drawing in 1997 with crayons and ink on paper.

Annie’s works portray contemporary Inuit life, juxtaposing intimate family scenes and home interiors with scenes of alcoholism and violence.

Pootoogook influences include her mother, Napatchie Pootoogook (died 2002), and her grandmother, Pitseolak Ashoona (died 1983), both of whom were accomplished artists.

Pootoogook’s titles are deadpan, e.g. “Sadness and Relief for My Brother,” “Memory of My Life: Breaking Bottles,” or “Man Abusing His Partner” -Inuit traditions appear in her work, such as her portrayal of women tanning animals hides or families in fishing camps.

Also, the passage of time figures heavily in her work, represented by a clock with hands set in different positions in different drawings.

She was found dead in the Rideau River in Ottawa.

Annie Pootoogook passed away at 46 years old.