Sister Adrian Barrett, born on February 14, 1929, and passed away October 12, 2015.
Sister Adrian was a Roman Catholic nun, affiliated with the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, founder of Friends of the Poor, a nonprofit organization based in Scranton, Pennsylvania.
Sister Adrian Barrett stood just under five feet tall.
She was known to prefer casual clothing in her work-earning her the nickname “Sister Sneakers”- but she often wore tailored tartan ensembles in formal situations.
A memorial service was held at her alma mater, Marywood University.
Both Project Hope and Friends of the Poor continued to serve local needs at the time of her death.
However, Camp Saint Andrew, the site of Project Hope’s summer camp, was closed by the Diocese of Scranton in 2015.
In 2008, Sister Adrian was active in support of the Obama presidential campaign in Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania.
Her cousins included Scranton mayor James Barrett McNulty.
Sister Adrian’s sister, Marie D. Barrett, wrote a biography of the nun, self-published in 2004, titled Sister Sneakers.
Sister Adrian Barrett died in October 2015, age 86, at a retirement home for nuns in Scranton.