Samuel Levi Green Jr. was born on March 27, 1927 and died on June 26, 2016.
He was an American pastor and bishop in the Church of God in Christ.
His parents were Deacon Samuel Levi and Mrs. Leosia P. Green.
Samuel was married to Vivian F. Green, from 1948 until her death in 2007, and remarried in 2008.
Samuel Levi Green Jr. was a graduate of the Booker T. Washington High School and attended Old Dominion University.
Samuel Levi Green Jr. received an Honorary Degree of Divinity at the Trinity Hall College in Springfield, IL.
Green was pastor at St. John’s Church of God in Christ in Newport News, VA for 45 years.
He served at the office of Bishop by Bishop J. O. Patterson Sr. in 1973 and became the prelate of the Second Jurisdiction of Virginia.
Within his leadership, the jurisdiction went from having 52 churches to 72 churches.
During 1984, Bishop Green was appointed to the General Board of the Church of God in Christ.
Samuel Levi Green Jr. officially retired from the General Board on November 12, 2012.
Samuel Levi Green Jr. passed away at 89 yrs old.