Saki Kaskas, Greek video game music composer, Died at 45


Theodosius Kaskamanidis was born on September 24, 1971, in Krefeld, Germany and died on November 17, 2016.

He was better known as “Saki Kaskas” or “Captain Ginger”.

He was a Greek video game music composer.

He was best known for his soundtracks in the Need for Speed series.

He was the son of Greek parents.

Early after he was born, the whole family moved to Vancouver, Canada.

Kaskas started to play the guitar when he was 15.

Saki Kaskas practiced 5 hours a day and in two years he was in his first band, Omnibol.

They were a rock band and they gained some notoriety around the Vancouver music scene.

During 1993, Omnibol broke up.

At that time, Saki Kaskas started to play in various bands.

He played in a Greek folk band, a heavy metal band, a cover band, a ‘power trio’ rock band and in a guitar duet.

Saki Kaskas also played sessions for commercials and such.

Saki Kaskas passed away at 45 years old.