Rūsiņš Martins Freivalds was born on November 10, 1942, and died on January 4, 2016.
He was a Latvian computer scientist, mathematician and longtime Latvian University professor.
In 1965, Rusins graduated from the Latvian University Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, and in 1971 won the candidate of science degree in mathematics at the Novosibirsk State University Professor Boris Trahtenbrota lead.
He received in 1985 at Moscow State University Freivalds, his physics and mathematics PhD.
During the year 1970, Rusins worked at a Mathematics and Informatics Institute, he was a longtime LU Faculty of Computing (formerly Physics and Mathematics Faculty of Computing Division) teacher.
From the year 1992, was the Latvian Academy of Sciences, full member.
Freivalds was the LAS Eugen Āriņa prize winner in computer science in 2000 for the work cycle “Efficient probabilistic algorithms, and in 2003, he was awarded the Latvian Academy of Sciences Grand Medal for outstanding work probabilistic algorithms and quantum theory of machines and scientific establishment of Latvian schools.
Rūsiņš Mārtiņš Freivalds scientific interest included the inductive exports, probabilistic algorithms, computer science mathematical fundamentals, algorithm theory and quantum computing. Freivalds was Latvian quantum computing science school founder.
Rūsiņš Mārtiņš Freivalds was a regular speaker at Latvian programmers days with their reports.
Rūsiņš Mārtiņš Freivalds passed away at 73 yrs old.