Roland Dobbs, British physicist, Died at 91

(Edwin) Roland Dobbs was born on December 2, 1924, and died on October 24, 2016.

He was a British physicist.

He was best known for his work in physical acoustics.

When he completed radar research for the Admiralty, 1943-6, he was a research student at University College London, 1946-9 and lecturer in Physics, Queen Mary and Westfield College, 1949-58.

He then went to Bedford College, University of London as Head of Department of Physics, 1973–85 and Hildred Carlile Professor, 1973-90.

After the merger of Bedford and Royal Holloway College, Dodds was Head of Department of Physics, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, 1985-90.

When he retired, Dodds became Emeritus Professor.

Dodds was noted for his research on the physics of helium-3, including its behaviour as a superfluid, and published what was regarded as the definitive monograph on this subject in 2001.

Roland Dobbs passed away at 91 years old.