Pierre Arpaillange was born on March 13, 1924, and died on January 11, 2017.
He was a French author, senior judge and Government Minister.
After obtaining his law degree, Arpaillange began a judicial career in 1949.
Pierre Arpaillange became Secrétaire Général du Parquet de la Cour d’Appel de Paris (“Secretary Prosecutor General of the Paris Court of Appeal”) and Secrétaire Général du Parquet de la Cour de Cassation (“Secretary Prosecutor General of the Cour de Cassation”) in 1962.
Arpaillange served in the French Department of Justice from 1965 to 1974, Arpaillange became adviser to the Minister and, on several occasions, Chief of Staff for the Minister of Justice and Director of Criminal Affairs and Pardons at the Chancellery.
Arpaillange was also a member of the Haut Conseil de l’Audiovisuel (“High Council for the Audiovisual Industry”) in 1973.
Pierre Arpaillange also served as Adviser to the Supreme Court from 1974, he was promoted to Attorney General at the Cour de Cassation in 1984.
Arpaillange became Keeper of the Seals and Minister of Justice in Michel Rocard’s first and second governments (12 May 1988 to 1 October 1990).
Pierre Arpaillange famously committed a verbal blunder in the French National Assembly.
Pierre Arpaillange left the government in 1990 to serve as a member of the Comité d’Honneur du Bicentenaire de la Cour des Comptes (“Bicentennial Committee of Honour of the Cour des Comptes”).
Pierre Arpaillange passed away at 92 years old.