Peter Weston, British science fiction fanzine editor, Died at 72


Peter Weston was born on October 19, 1943, and died on January 5, 2017.

He was a British science fiction fan from Birmingham, UK.

He made many contributions in fan writing, fanzine editing, convention-running and in local science fiction clubs.

Weston’s 1960s pseudonym “Malcolm Edwards” caused some confusion several years later, when a real Malcolm Edwards began contributing to British fanzines.

Peter Weston met him in 1970.

Weston produced the first issue of the science fiction fanzine Zenith (later Speculation) in 1963 and he edited the Andromeda series of original anthologies from 1975 until 1977.

During 2006, following the success of his Hugo-nominated memoir With Stars in My Eyes, Peter Weston relaunched his fanzine Prolapse (re-titled Relapse in 2009), after a 23-year hiatus.

Peter Weston was rewarded with a pair of Nova Awards the following year, for “best fanzine” and “best fan” (the latter being a committee award).

Peter Weston passed away at 72 years old.