Indonesian novelist and feminist Nurhayati Srihardini Siti Nukatin was born in Semarang, Central Java, on February 29, 1936 and died on December 4, 2018.
She was better known by her pen name Nh. Dini (sometimes NH Dini in English)
Out of five children of Saljowidjojo and Kusaminah Dini was the youngest.
Her relitives can be traced back to the Bugis of South Sulawesi.
She once said that she began to love writing when she was in the second grade.
Nukatin’s mother was a batik artist, inspired by Javanese culture.
Nukatin would read stories and poems to Dini that were written in the traditional Javanese alphabet.
Nukatin’s talent for writing fiction was soon confirmed.
When she was fifteen Nukatin read her poems on RRI (the state radio network) in Semarang.
During 1956, while working as a flight attendant for Garuda Indonesia Airways,Nukatin released a series of stories called Dua Dunia (Two Worlds).
Nh. Dini also worked briefly as a radio announcer.
During 1960, Nh. Dini married Yves Coffin, French consul to Kobe, Japan.
Two children were born of their marriage; Marie-Claire Lintang and Pierre Louis Padang (commonly recognized as Pierre Coffin).
Nh. Dini was the wife of a diplomat, Nh. Dini went with her husband to Japan and then to Phnom Penh.
During 1966 Nh. Dini arrived in France .
Later, they relocated to Manila then, Nh. Dini, they moved to Detroit in 1976.
She separated from her husband in 1984.
Nh. Dini tok back her Indonesian nationality in 1985.
For a long time, Nh. Dini operated a non-profit agency devoted to juvenile literacy.
Nh. Dini received the S.E.A. Write Award in 2003.
Nh. Dini has resided in Sleman, near Yogyakarta, since then.
Dini, before her death, lived in a nursing home and has had to suspend work on a novel and her memoirs due to worsening attacks of vertigo.
Nh. Dini passed away at 82 years old due to a vehicle accident.