Karl Jaeger was born on April 12, 1930, and died on November 2, 2015.
He was an American educator, writer and artist.
Jaeger graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Education from Ohio State University and a Master’s degree in Education from Harvard University.
Jaeger was co-founder, Trustee and Chairman of Our Future Planet (OFP), Our Future Planet is a website and online community with a worldwide Citizenship.
The mission of Our Future Planet is to provide an environment for people to create a better planet to live on and to share innovative approaches to enhance the quality, liveability and beauty of the Earth.
Citizens can create profiles and add their own proposals on an Ideas Globe and join in discussions with other Citizens on WikiVisions.”.
Other Trustees of Our Future Planet are Samantha Harvey, Jean Houston and James Gillis Lengel.
Jaeger has been the creator of several community design projects, including the Cambridge Charter School system a student-centred secondary school, which received approval from the Massachusetts Department of Education on March 14, 1996.
Jaeger passed away at age 85 in November 2015.