Juan Vicente Ugarte del Pino was born on June 12, 1923, in Lima, Peru, and died on October 6, 2015.
He was a historian of Peru and jurist.
Pino received his primary and secondary education in the schools of the Marist Brothers, Marist San Jose del Callao and the Champagnat School in Miraflore.
In 1941, Pino attended the National University of San Marcos, where he received his Bachelors in Art.
Juan was the son of the lawyer Lizardo Second Ugarte Bejarano and Catalina del Pino Graciela Tamayo, and grandson of Colonel Juan Vicente Ugarte Lobón.
His wife was Luz Cáceres Macgregor.
He married his second wife in 2013, Laura Montjoy La Torre.
He studied specialty of history cycle with a thesis on “Juan de Ovando and the Compilation of the Laws of the Indies”; completing the professional cycle in the Faculty of Law (which he joined in 1943), Pino chose the degree of Bachelor (1947) with a thesis on “Ovando and the Dual Conception of the Government of India”, in which he attempted to determine foundations for a modern conception of the history of law in Peru, graduating as a lawyer and Doctor in Public Law in 1960.
Pino taught at different institutions, including the College of Our Lady of Guadalupe (1945), Anglo-Peruvian College (1946-1948), National School Hipólito Unanue, GUE Ricardo Bentin and Leoncio Prado Military Academy.
In 1952 Pino when back to Peru.
After the completion of his studies in Europe, he joined the teaching in the Faculty of Arts at the National University of San Marcos and later as a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences to dictate the chair of History of Law, replacing his teacher Jorge Basadre Grohman (Tacna, 1903-Lima, 1980), and that became the Dean (1988).
Juan Vicente Ugarte del Pino was elected in 1974 and 1975 as Dean of the Bar Association of Lima, at the height of the government of the military junta headed by General.
Juan Velasco Alvarado, making a clear defense of the constitutional legality and the rule of law which earned him the persecution and imprisonment for alleged counter-revolutionary crime, why was described by Master Max Arias-Scheriber Pezet as the “Dean of the Resistance.”
Juan Vicente Ugarte del Pino organized the Congress of Associations of America and Spain inaugurated at the headquarters of the Bar Association of Lima, on 26 July 1974.
Juan has been secretary general of the Latin American Institute of Social and Political Sciences (ILAPS) (1965-1981) , Alternate Member of the Superior Court of Lima (1972), member of the Supreme Court (1980), president of the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court (1986), president of the Supreme Court of Peru (1987-1988), President of the Second Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (1989), president of the Second Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (1989), Judge of the Court Agreement Cartagena (1990-1996), which he headed in 1991.
Juan Vicente Ugarte del Pino has received a number of awards and distinctions, this includes; Grand Cross of the Spanish Navy, Spain (1966), Honorary Member of the Institute of Hispanic Culture of Madrid (1967), The Grand Cross of the Peruvian Order of Justice, which has been chancellor and great teacher (1987-1989), Distinguished Cross First Class of the Order of San Raimundo de Peñafort, Spain (1971), Chancellor and Master Grand Cross of the Peruvian Order of Justice (1987-1989), the American Award of Lawyers, Spain (2004), Decoration of Congress , Peru (2005), the Grand Cross of the Order of the Sun , Peru (2009), the Board member of the Catholic University San Pablo, and many more.
He has also written some books and articles.
Juan Vicente Ugarte del Pino passed away at 92 yrs old.