Józef Mayer was born on May 21, 1939, in Łódź, and died on November 19, 2016.
He was a Polish chemist.
Mayer was specializing in radiation chemistry, the Rector of Lodz University of Technology in 1996-2002.
He graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of Lodz University of Technology (TUL), in 1961.
During that same year, Jozef started work in the Department of Physical Chemistry.
He presented his PhD thesis in 1968.
Józef became Associate Professor and in 1994 he received the title of Professor of TUL, in 1988.
His research was surrounded radiation chemistry and involved work on the matter of excited state and ion recombination admixtures in liquid hydrocarbons.
Mayer also did research on the process of reactivity transmission in solid polymers by means of impulse methods.
Mayer has written over 110 articles and presented 120 reports and papers at conferences in Poland and abroad.
Józef promoted four doctors.
Józef Mayer was a member of “Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry” editorial committee, the Polish Chemical Society, the president of Polish Radiation Society in years 1989-1995.
He was also a member of Miller Trust for Radiation, the Science Committee of Nuclear Institute in Warsaw, the Science Committee in Polish Academy of Science of Polymer Chemistry in Zabrze and the State Committee for Atomics, and also a member of the Department Committee of Polish Academy of Sciences in Łódź.
In years 1994-2007 Józef Mayer held the post of president of the Institute of Applied Radiation Chemistry of TUL.
During years 1987-1990 he was Associate Dean and in 1990-1993 he was the Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry of TUL. Józef Mayer held a position of students’ affairs dean in 1993-1996.
Mayer was the Rector of TUL in 1996-2002.
Mayer retired in 2008.
Józef Mayer passed away at 77 years old.