Joseph Keller, American mathematician, Died at 93


Joseph Bishop Keller was born on July 31, 1923, and died on September 7, 2016.

He was an American mathematician.

Keller specialized in applied mathematics.

Joseph was best known for his work on the “geometrical theory of diffraction” (GTD)

He obtained his PhD in 1948 from New York University under the supervision of Richard Courant.

Joseph Keller was a Professor of Mathematics in the Courant Institute at New York University until 1979.

Then Joseph Keller was Professor of Mathematics and Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University until 1993, when he became Professor Emeritus.

He worked on the application of mathematics to problems in science and engineering, such as wave propagation.

Joseph Keller contributed to the Einstein–Brillouin–Keller method for computing eigenvalues in quantum mechanical systems.

Joseph Keller passed away at 93 years old.