Iceu Wong, Indonesian dangdut singer, Died at 30

  Dead Famous

Iceu Wong, Indonesian dangdut singer, Died at 30.

The singer who frequently played song at a private television station is known to suffer from breast cancer over the past two years.

As the rumored death of 30-year-old music director, expressed his companions berbelasungkawa through social media.

Iceu Wong left a husband, also a daughter named Sabrina Vania Oktaviani. He breathed his last, this morning (22/7), at 4:00 pm, at Immanuel Hospital, Bandung.
After illness during the last two years and has made removal of one of her breasts, but Iceu must be returned to grapple with the disease last month.


It is known from Ussy uploads on Twitter Sulistiawati connected with Iceu in social media uploads Path. Uploading a photo of herself lying, Iceu reveal his condition.

“Almost a month, during the fasting month of complete rest (bed-rest), may God give you strength and health back, amen,” wrote that many Iceu getting moral support from his friends.