Hellmut von Leipzig, German soldier, Died at 95

Hellmut von Leipzig was born on July 18, 1921, in German South-West Africa and died on October 24, 2016.

He was an officer (Leutnant) of the Brandenburgers in the Wehrmacht during World War II.

Leipzig was a recipient of the Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross of Nazi Germany.

After the war, Leipzig became involved in leadership roles in the German-speaking community in Namibia.

His father was a naval officer.

During the year 1941, he volunteered for the Afrika Korps.

Leipzig became a driver to Generalfeldmarschall Erwin Rommel, whom Leipzig describes as “the craziest passenger ever”, because he always said “Faster!” and when encountering an enemy’s minefield, would insist on going and personally guide Leipzig around the mines.

He had fought in the “Battle of Berlin”, became a POW in 1945 and spent 10 years in Soviet captivity.

During his later life, he lived in Namibia, where he founded the German Cultural Council, the largest organisation of the German-speaking community in Namibia.

Leipzig chaired the organisation from 1986 to 1997.

Leipzig also sat on the board of The Association of German School Societies in Namibia (AGDS).

He died in Namibia.

Hellmut von Leipzig passed away at 95 years old.