Haruko Wakita, Japanese historian, Died at 82


Haruko Wakita was born on March 9, 1934, and died on September 29, 2016.

She was a Japanese academic, editor and expert in medieval Japanese women’s history.

From the age of six, Wakita was interested in Noh drama; and she regularly performs on stage.

The insight gained from her lifelong study and practice of this medieval theatrical art informs her historical research.

Wakita was awarded a BA in Japanese history at Kobe University in 1956.

Her studies led to an MA in 1960 and a Ph.D. in 1969 from Kyoto University.

Haruko Wakita a professor of Japanese history at the Shiga University at Hikone.

Haruko Wakitaparticipated in research projects with historians in France, Italy and the United States.

Haruko Wakitawork with French scholars resulted in a monograph in Japanese.

Haruko Wakita work with colleagues at the University of Michigan produced in edited volumes and contributions in English.

Haruko Wakita passed away at 82 years old.