Don Francks, Canadian actor and jazz vocalist, Died at 84


Donald Harvey Francks or Iron Buffalo was born on February 28, 1932, and died on April 4, 2016.

He was a Canadian actor, vocalist, and jazz musician.

Don once lend his voice talent and career to free elocution lessons by Muriel Davis from age eight.

Francks performed in vaudeville, worked as a foundryman and was involved in summer stock before moving to Toronto.

In Hollywood, he lived in Laurel Canyon, Los Angeles, California.

As an avid motorcycle rider, he has a collection of 12 antique cars, mostly Model-T Ford racing cars from 1912 to 1927.

Don was a poet, a native nations champion, author and peace activist.

Don Francks supports Greenpeace and Tibet.

Whilst he was a spokesman for Other Voices (Canadian TV series) in mid-1960s, he investigated a boy’s murder at Saskatchewan Red Pheasant First Nation.

Don eventually married and moved there with his second wife Lili Francks, named there as Red Eagle.

And, Con Francks was adopted as a Cree, and named Iron Buffalo “strong like iron.

He has been living in Toronto with wife Lili and their son Rainbow Sun, since 1979.

Don’s Daughter Cree Summer resides and works in Hollywood.

Francks has two children from his first marriage, his son Trane and a daughter, Tyler.

Don Francks passed away at 84 yrs old.