David Beresford, British journalist, Died at 68


David Beresford died in 2016.

He was an award-winning British journalist for the Guardian newspaper.

David was also the author of Ten Men Dead, a book about the Irish hunger strike in the Maze prison near Lisburn, County Down.

Beresford was the Guardian’s Irish correspondent at the time, eventually becoming their Johannesburg correspondent.

During the year 1994, Mr. Beresford wrote in the Guardian that Justice Richard Goldstone ran a “much vaunted” judicial commission of inquiry that “failed dismally,” and that was a “rubbish bin” used by the South African government.

David discussed Goldstone’s “disturbing” practice by which he acted with “overt political ’sensitivity’,” including his being “at pains to involve the politically distinguished in the conduct of his inquiry”; and of harboring such ambition to succeed Boutros-Boutros Ghali’s post as UN Secretary-General, that Goldstone’s legal colleagues gave him the nickname of “Richard-Richard.

David Beresford passed away at 68 yrs old.