Category : Health care

Maurice Mességué was born on December 14, 1921, in Colayrac-Saint-Cirq and died on June 16, 2017. He was a French herbalist and author of several best-selling books on herbal medicine and cooking with herbs. During his autobiography he claims to have treated, among others, Winston Churchill, Chancellor Adenauer of Germany, and the future Pope John ..

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Elias (Eli) Burstein was born on September 30, 1917 and died June 17, 2017. He was an American experimental condensed matter physicist whose active career in science spanned seven decades. Burstein was known for his pioneering fundamental research in the optical physics of solids; for writing and editing hundreds of articles and other publications; for ..

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Joseph Barnes was born on November 14, 1914, in Belfast and died on May 4, 2017. He was an Irish physician. Barnes worked in leper colonies in West Africa in the 1940s. Barnes co-founded ICROSS International with Michael Elmore-Meegan. Joseph was born . Barnes lectured in tropical medicine at the Royal College of Surgeons in ..

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