András Prékopa was born on September 11, 1929, and died on September 18, 2016.
He was a Hungarian mathematician.
He was a member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
András Prékopa received his university diploma as teacher of mathematics and physics from the University of Debrecen in 1952.
He was previously the graduate director of the Ph.D program in OR.
His part-time appointments were also very important in his scientific career in Hungary.
During 1958 he founded the first research department in OR at the Math. Inst. of the HAS and in 1977 the Department of Applied Math. at the Computing and Automation Inst. of the HAS.
He was known as the father of the Hungarian Operations Research in many ways: developed research school, education curricula, organized international and local conferences, formed academic committee, founded scientific periodical, etc.
András Prékopa published more than a dozen books and about 350 papers alone and with co-authors and supervised 51 Ph.D students, many of whom are internationally known academics and industrial leaders.
András Prékopa passed away at 87 years old.