Anand Yadav, Indian Marathi writer, Died at 80


Anand RatanYadav was born on November 30, 1935, and died on November 27, 2016.

He was a Marathi writer from Maharashtra, India.

Anand Yadav was best known for his autobiography Zombi (झोंबी).

He was born in the village Kagal near Kolhapur, Maharashtra in a poor family.

Yadav illiterate farmer father was not in favor of educating him.

At a young age he ran away from home, and, facing many hardships, received education as high as a doctorate from Pune University.

Anand’s books such as Jhombi and Nangarani depict his struggle for education.

He died in Pune.

Anand Yadav passed away at 80 years old.